GST is a single tax on the supply of goods and services,
right from the manufacturer to the consumer. Credits of input taxes paid at
each stage will be available in the subsequent stage of value addition, which
makes GST essentially a tax only on value addition at each stage. The final
consumer will thus bear only the GST charged by the last dealer in the supply
chain, with set-off benefits at all the previous stages.
GST is one indirect tax for the whole nation, which will make India one unified common market.
The Goods and Services Tax or GST has been launched on the 1st day of July 2017, and it is set to
revolutionize the way we do our taxes.
CGST: where the revenue will be collected by the central government
SGST: where the revenue will be collected by the state governments for intra-state sales
IGST: where the revenue will be collected by the central government for inter-state sales
Who need to apply for GST registration?
Upon Reaching Turnover of 20 Lakh:
If your current supply of goods or service is over Rs. 20 lakh, you need to obtain GST Registration (if your business operates exclusively in the North Eastern states, Rs. 10 lakh).Inter-State Sales or Service provider:
Anyone supplying goods or services to another state, need to apply for GST regardless of turnover. Even online service provider serving customers in another State will instantly attract GST registration.E-commerce operator:
Who owns, operates of manages digital platform for e-commerce. Eg: Flipkart, Amazon etc.Vendors selling through Ecommerce Portals:
Persons who supply goods or services through ecommerce sitesNon- Residents & Importers:
Any Non-resident person or company supplying goods or services in India need to take the registration regardless of turnover.Supplier of Online Information:
Any person supplying online information and database services from outside India to a person in India need to register irrespective of turnover
Services relating to obtaining certificate of Registration / Recognition under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, filing of periodical returns as prescribed for various dealers, representations before the authorities on matters relating to VAT assessments and appeals.
Services relating to obtaining certificate of Registration / Recognition under the Central Sales Tax Act, filing of periodical returns as prescribed for various dealers, representations before the authorities on matters relating to CST assessments and appeals.